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getAssembleDocumentRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts assembling the document:
getAuthor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's author.
getAuthorTitle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's author-title.
getChangeDocumentRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts changing the document:
getCJKSystemFontName(int) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Get the name of the system font that will be used to render non-embedded instances of the CJK font type indicated by cjkFontType
getCopyrightInfoURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's copyright info url.
getCopyrightNotice() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's copyright notice.
getCopyrightStatus() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's copyrights status.
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's creation date.
getCreator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's creator.
getCustomProperty(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the value of a custom property.
getDescriptionWriter() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's description writer.
getDisplayAnnotations() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns flag for whether to display PDF annotations in generated SVG.
getDisplayAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns a vector of the current subset of annotation types to display.
getDisplayFields() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns flag for whether to display PDF fields in generated SVG.
getDisplayFieldTypes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns a vector of the current subset of field types to display.
getDocMDPPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the Document Modification Detection and Prevention permissions.
getDocumentInfo(String, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document in a file.
getDocumentInfo(InputStream, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document from an InputStream.
getDocumentInfo(URL, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document from a URL.
getDocumentInfo() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Returns a DocumentInfo object containing the information section of a PDF document (author, title, etc.)
getExtractTextGraphicsForAccessibilityRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts extracting text graphics for accessibility:
getExtractTextGraphicsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts extracting text graphics:
getExtraOption(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns value string for a specific "extra option"
getFillFormFieldsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts filling form fields:
getFontFormat() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns current setting for font format in generated SVG.
getFontPlan() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns current font plan setting.
getImagePlan() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns current setting for image generation in generated SVG.
getJPEGCompression() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns current JPEG compression flag setting.
getJPEGQuality() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns current JPEG compression quality value See setJPEGQuality method for discussion of values.
getKeywords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's keywords.
getLocalFonts() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Returns a list of fonts found in the local environment that can be used for adding text content to a PDF.
getMinStrokeWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Returns the minimum stroke width used when converting to SVG.
getModDate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's modified date.
getModifyAnnotsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts modifying annotations:
getPageBorder() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
getPageCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Gets the number of pages in the document.
getPageCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Returns the number of pages in this document.
getPasswordPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the permission object for this document.
getPasswords() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IPassword
Method called to get passwords for encrypted PDF documents.
getPasswords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFPassword
Method that fulfills the IPassword interface.
getPDFPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Returns the AllPDFPermissions object which encompasses this document's PasswordPermissions, DocMDPPermissions, and UsageRightsPermissions.
getPermFlag() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Returns the permissions int representing the 12 permissions bits as specified in the PDF documentation.
getPrintHighResRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts printing the document at high resolution:
getPrintRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts printing the document:
getProducer() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's producer.
getSignaturePermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns permissions related to a digital signature.
getSubFontFamilyList() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Get ordered list of substitute font families.
getSubject() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's subject.
getSubstituteFont(String) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Returns a substitute font, if one has been registered, for the given font name.
getTitle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Gets the document's title.
getTrapped() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns string indicating if the document has been modified with trapping information.
getUsageRightsPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the Usage Rights permissions.
getUserFontDirectories() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Returns list of user font directories
getVersion() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Returns version string for jPDFWeb.
getWriter(String) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGBundleWriter
Get a Writer for a file.
getWriter(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGBundleWriter_Folder
getWriter(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGBundleWriter_Zip
getXMPMetadata(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the XMP metadata in the document.
getXMPMetadata() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the raw XMP metadata in the document as an array of bytes.
getZoomMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Gets the zoom mode for single pages.
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