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saveDocumentAsSVG(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the entire document as SVG with default SVG options
saveDocumentAsSVG(Writer) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the entire document as SVG with default SVG options
saveDocumentAsSVG(String, SVGOptions) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the entire document as SVG to the given file.
saveDocumentAsSVG(Writer, SVGOptions) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the entire document as SVG to a Writer.
saveDocumentAsSVG(Writer, SVGOptions, List<Integer>) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the specified pages of the document as SVG to a Writer.
savePageAsSVG(int, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the page to the specified file in SVG format using default SVG options
savePageAsSVG(int, Writer) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save page to the given Writer in SVG format using default SVG options
savePageAsSVG(int, SVGOptions, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the page to the specified file in SVG format using specified SVG options.
savePageAsSVG(int, SVGOptions, Writer) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save the page to the given Writer in SVG format using specified SVG options.
savePageBundleSVG(SVGBundleWriter, SVGOptions) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
This method saves all the pages in a PDF as SVG files in a "bundle".
savePageImage(int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save page image to file @ specified DPI This can be used to generate a page thumbnail image.
savePageImage(int, int, int, OutputStream) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Save page image to file @ specified DPI This can be used to generate a page thumbnail image.
setAssembleDocumentAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to assemble the document.
setAuthor(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's author.
setAuthorTitle(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's author-title.
setChangeDocumentAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to change the document.
setCJKSystemFontName(int, String) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Set the local system font systemFontName to use for a particular CJK font type cjkFontType
setCopyrightInfoURL(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's copyright info url.
setCopyrightNotice(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's copyright notice.
setCopyrightStatus(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's copyrights status.
setCreationDate(Date) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's creation date.
setCreator(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's creator.
setCustomProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Sets a custom application property in the document info for the document.
setDescriptionWriter(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's description writer.
setDisplayAnnotations(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets flag to control if PDF annotations are converted and displayed in generated SVG.
setDisplayAnnotationTypes(Vector<String>) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Set a subset of annotation types that should be displayed when getDisplayAnnotations() is set to true.
setDisplayFields(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets flag to control if PDF fields are converted and displayed in generated SVG.
setDisplayFieldTypes(Vector<String>) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Set a subset of field types that should be displayed when getDisplayFields() is set to true.
setEnforceDocMDPPermissions(boolean) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Sets the flag to enforce or ignore DocMDP permissions.
setEnforceExtractPermission(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
By default, permission to extract text and graphics will not be enforced when converting from PDF to SVG.
setEnforceSignaturePermissions(boolean) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Sets the flag to enforce or ignore signature permissions.
setExtractTextGraphicsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to extract text and graphics.
setExtractTextGraphicsForAccessibilityAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to extract text and graphics in support of accessibility to disabled users or other purposes.
setExtraOption(String, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets "extra" option value.
setFillFormFieldsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to fill form fields and sign the document.
setFontFormat(SVGOptions.FontFormat) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets value to control how fonts are formatted for SVG.
setFontPlan(SVGOptions.FontPlan) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets value to control how fonts are handled for generated SVG.
setImagePlan(SVGOptions.ImagePlan) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets value to control how images are generated for SVG.
setJPEGCompression(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets flag to control if JPEG compression will be used for images where possible.
setJPEGQuality(double) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets a numeric (0.0 - 1.0) value that controls JPEG compression operation.
setKey(String) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.PDFWeb
Method to unlock the production version of the library.
setKeywords(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's keywords.
setMinStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets the minimum stroke width for shapes when converting to SVG.
setModifiedDate(Date) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
The document's modified date will be set by the library at the time the document is saved.
setModifyAnnotsAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to add or modify annotations in the document.
setPageBorder(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets flag to control if a thin black page border graphic line is generated in SVG output.
setPermFlag(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permissions from the int representing the 12 permissions bits as specified in the PDF documentation.
setPrintAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to print the document.
setPrintHighResAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Sets the permission to print the document at high resolution.
setProducer(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's producer.
setRenderSignatureVerification(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
This method sets the value of the flag that controls whether signature verification will be rendered.
setSubFontFamilyList(List<String>) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Set ordered list of substitute font families.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Set the document's subject.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Sets the document's title.
setUserFontDirectories(List<String>) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Set user font directories used in font embedding.
setUseSubstituteFont(boolean) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.FontSettings
Tells the rendering engine to use a substitute font when a font in the PDF cannot be created.
setXMPMetadata(String, String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Sets the XMP metadata block in the document.
setXMPMetadata(byte[]) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Sets the XMP metadata block in the document.
setZoomMode(SVGOptions.ZoomMode) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
Sets the zoom mode for single pages.
SignaturePermissions - Class in com.qoppa.pdf.permissions
This class contains information regarding Signature permissions.
SignaturePermissions(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.SignaturePermissions
SVGBundleWriter - Interface in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
This interface is used when converting a PDF document to SVG files as a "bundle".
SVGBundleWriter_Folder - Class in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Implemenation of an SVGBundleWriter that writes the files in a bundle to a folder.
SVGBundleWriter_Folder(File) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGBundleWriter_Folder
Constructs the bundle writer to write all files to an output folder.
SVGBundleWriter_Zip - Class in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Implementation of an SVGBundleWriter that writes its output to a .zip file.
SVGBundleWriter_Zip(ZipOutputStream) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGBundleWriter_Zip
Constructs the bundle writer to write all files to a zip output stream.
SVGOptions - Class in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
The SVGOptions class holds settings to control SVG output from a PDF file.
SVGOptions() - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfWeb.SVGOptions
SVGOptions - default constructor
SVGOptions.FontFormat - Enum in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Font format options
SVGOptions.FontPlan - Enum in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Font conversion options
SVGOptions.ImagePlan - Enum in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Image conversion options
SVGOptions.ZoomMode - Enum in com.qoppa.pdfWeb
Zoom mode options
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