- GestureList - Interface in com.qoppa.pdf.annotations
This class represents a list of gestures in an Ink (Pencil) annotation.
- getAcroForm() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the AcroForm in this document.
- getAcroForm() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the AcroForm in this document.
- getAcroForm() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the AcroForm in this document.
- getActionName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NamedAction
Returns the named action.
- getActions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns a list of actions to perform when this annotation is 'activated'
- getActions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Gets the list of actions for this Bookmark.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.Action
Returns the type of action.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.HideShowAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.JSAction
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.LaunchAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NamedAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NullAction
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.ResetForm
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SetOCGState
Returns the action type.
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
- getActionType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.URLAction
Returns the action type.
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.Action
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.HideShowAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.JSAction
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.LaunchAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NamedAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NullAction
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.ResetForm
Returns the action type description
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SetOCGState
Returns the action type description.
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
- getActionTypeDesc() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.URLAction
Returns the action type description
- getActivePolicy() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PDFPanel
Returns the policy for the PDFPanel
to use when a document
is loaded into the PDFViewerBean, or when a document is modified.
- getAddAfterMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The AddAfterMenuItem.
- getAddBeforeMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The AddBeforeMenuItem.
- getAddChildMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The AddChildMenuItem.
- getAddMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The AddMenu.
- getAddMenuSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The AddMenuSeparator.
- getAfterText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPositionWithContext
- getAlignHorizontal() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getAlignmentMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Alignment menu.
- getAlignVertical() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getAltFieldName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Returns the alternate field name for this field.
- getAngle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns the angle that this text is displayed at on the page.
- getAnnotAlignmentToolBar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the AnnotAlignmentToolbar
used to align selected annotations
- getAnnotation() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationComponent
Returns the annotation for this AnnotationComponent.
- getAnnotationFactory() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the AnnotationFactory for this document.
- getAnnotationFactory() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the AnnotationFactory for this document.
- getAnnotationManager() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the annotation manager for this PDFViewerBean.
- getAnnotationManager() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the annotation manager for this PDFViewerBean.
- getAnnotationManagerNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the annotation manager for this PDFViewerBean.
- getAnnotations() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns a list of PDF annotations in this page.
- getAnnotContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
The PopupMenu displayed for an Annotation.
- getAnnotPropertiesToolBar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the AnnotPropertiesToolbar
used to modify common
annotation properties.
- getAnnotToolbar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the annotation tools toolbar.
- getAppearanceState() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getArrow() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Callout
Returns an array representing the coordinates of the arrow
- getArtBox() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Return this page's Art Box.
- getAssembleDocumentRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts assembling the document:
- getAttachmentPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the attachment panel.
- getAuthor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's author.
- getBackground() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getBackground() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the background color used for clearing a region.
- getBeforeText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPositionWithContext
- getBgndFile() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the background file.
- getBleedBox() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Return this page's Bleed Box.
- getBlurActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed on blur (focus lost).
- getBookmarkContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns the Bookmark Panel PopupMenu.
- getBookmarkIndex(Bookmark) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the index of the bookmark node in the node's children.
- getBookmarkPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the bookmarks panel.
- getBookmarkPanelEditor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the bookmarks panel.
- getBookmarkTree() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.BookmarkPanel
Returns a reference to the bookmark tree component.
- getBorderColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getBorderColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getBorderRect() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getBorderStyle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Gets this annotation's border style.
- getBorderWidth() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Gets this annotation's border width.
- getButtonByName(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
- getButtons() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PanelToolbar
Returns a list of AbstractButton objects containing the buttons that are in the toolbar.
- getByteOrder() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Gets the byte order to use when saving a TIFF file.
- getBytes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.ByteArrayPDFSource
Returns the array of bytes that backs this PDF source.
- getCaCerts() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureSettings
This method returns a hashtable of most-trusted CA certificates from the JDK keyed by the unique identifier
of the X509Certificate that is returned from SignatureSettings.getUniqueIdentifier(X509Certificate)
- getCalculateActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed when another field changes
- getCalculationOrder() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.AcroForm
Gets the list of fields with calculate actions in the correct order.
- getCaption() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getCenterWindow() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Center Window viewer preference in the document.
- getCertificateChain() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the certificate chain for the issuers of the certificate in the key store.
- getChangeDocumentRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts changing the document:
- getCharset() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the character set that will be used when reading the text input.
- getCheckmarkMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The CheckmarkMenuItem.
- getCheckmarkStatus() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's marked status.
- getCheckSum() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the CRC checksum for the file contents.
- getChildBookmarkAt(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the child bookmark at the given index.
- getChildCount() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the number of children that this node contains.
- getChildren() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the children of the node as a Vector.
- getCJKSystemFontName(int) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFRenderHints
Get the name of the system font that will be used to render non-embedded instances of the CJK font type indicated by cjkFontType
- getClip() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Gets the current clipping area.
- getClipBounds() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the bounding rectangle of the current clipping area.
- getCloseButton() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PanelToolbar
Returns a reference to the panel's close button.
- getColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's color.
- getColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the color of the grid lines.
- getColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Gets this graphics context's current color.
- getColorCompare() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Gets the color of the comparison document.
- getColorOriginal() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Gets the color of the original document.
- getCommentPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the comment panel.
- getCommentPanelNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the comment panel.
- getCommentTree() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the JTree object that holds the list of comments
- getCompareDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean
Gets the PDFDocument that is overlayed or in side by side comparison with the current document.
- getComponent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the component associated with this annotation on the screen.
- getComposite() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the current Composite in the Graphics2D context.
- getCompression() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Return the current compression setting fo this TIFFOptions.
- getCompression() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.ImageParam
Gets the compression type used when writing images to the PDF document.
- getContactInformation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the contact information used in the signature.
- getContent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Sound
Return this sound annotation's sound content as a byte array.
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.ByteArrayPDFSource
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.EmptyPDFSource
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.FilePDFSource
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.InputStreamPDFSource
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.MBBPDFSource
- getContent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.source.PDFSource
Returns an object that implements PDFContent, that contains and can deliver the contents of the PDF document.
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.RAFilePDFSource
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLOnDemandPDFSource
Create an object to implement PDFContent.
- getContent() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLPDFSource
- getContentEditContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.PageViewPanelEditor
The PopupMenu displayed when the edit content tool is active.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's contents.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Caret
Returns the string contents for this annotation.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
Returns the string contents for this annotation.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.RubberStamp
Returns the annotation's text content.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
Returns the string contents for this annotation.
- getContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Text
Returns the string contents for this annotation.
- getConvertToPerimeterMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Convert to Perimeter menu item.
- getCopyMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Copy menu item.
- getCopyMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
Returns the CopyToClipboard menu item for the text selection context menu.
- getCopyPageMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The CopyPageMenuItem.
- getCopySeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
- getCopyTextMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Copy Text menu item.
- getCreatePerimeterMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Create Perimeter menu item.
- getCreationDate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's creation date.
- getCreator() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's creator.
- getCreator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's creator.
- getCropBox() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Return this page's Crop Box.
- getCrossoutMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getCurrentFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the current fill color.
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the current location of the viewer as a GotoPageAction.
- getCurrentOverlayFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the current overylay fill color.
- getCustomProperties() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the custom properties table.
- getCustomProperty(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the value of a custom property.
- getCustomProperty(String) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
This method can be used to retrieve the values of custom properties in the signature field dictionary.
- getCustomProperty(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
This method can be used to retrieve the values of custom properties
- getCutMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The CutMenuItem.
- getCutMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Cut menu item.
- getCutPageMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The CutPageMenuItem.
- getDate() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationCheckmarkStatus
Returns the date this status was set.
- getDate() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationReviewStatus
Returns the date this status was set.
- getDefaultAuthor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AnnotationTools
Returns the default author.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBasicStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Gets the default stroke.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Returns the color used for the border when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Returns the color used for the lines when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Returns the color used for the line when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Returns the color used for the border when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Returns the color used for the circle when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Returns the color used for the polygon lines when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the color used for the line when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Returns the color used for the border when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Returns the color used for the line when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LinkTool
Returns the color used for the border when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PencilTool
Returns the color used for the line when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
Returns the color used for the lines when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Returns the color used for the polygon lines when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
Returns the color used for the lines when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Returns the color used for the square when a new annotation is created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LinkTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PencilTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Returns the border width used when a new highlight is created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Returns the default border width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Returns the default border width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Returns the default border width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LinkTool
Returns the default border width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PencilTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultBorderWidth2D() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Returns the default line width, used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.BookmarkTool
Gets the default color that is used when new bookmarks are created.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CaretTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RubberStampTool
Returns the default color that is used when new Stamps are created.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SoundTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.StickyNoteTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TypewriterTool
Returns the default color.
- getDefaultCrossoutColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default crossout color.
- getDefaultCrossoutTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default crossout transparency.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Returns the color used as the highlight when a new highlight annotation is created.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Returns the fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Return the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Gets the default fill color.
- getDefaultFillOpacity() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the default fill opacity.
- getDefaultFillTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the default fill transparency.
- getDefaultFont() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Gets the default font for free text annotations.
- getDefaultFont() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Gets the default font for free text annotations.
- getDefaultFont() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TypewriterTool
Gets the default font for free text annotations.
- getDefaultHighlightColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default highlight color.
- getDefaultHighlightTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default highlight transparency.
- getDefaultHorizontalAlign() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Returns the default horizontal alignment property used when a new free text annotation is created.
- getDefaultHorizontalAlign() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Returns the default horizontal alignment property used when a new free text annotation is created.
- getDefaultLineEndStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Gets the default line end style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultLineEndStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Gets the default line end style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultLineEndStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Gets the default line end style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultLineStartStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Gets the default line start style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultLineStartStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Gets the default line start style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultLineStartStyle() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Gets the default line start style used when creating new line annotations.
- getDefaultMagnification() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the default magnification property.
- getDefaultOutlineColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the default outline color.
- getDefaultOverlayFillColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the default overlay fill color.
- getDefaultPageLayout() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the default pageLayout property.
- getDefaultPageMode() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the default pageMode property.
- getDefaultReplacementColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default replacement color.
- getDefaultReplacementTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default replacement transparency.
- getDefaultScaleDisplayUnits() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default scale display units used when creating new measurements.
- getDefaultScaleDisplayValue() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default scale display value used when creating new measurements.
- getDefaultScalePageUnits() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default scale page units used when creating new measurements
- getDefaultScalePageValue() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default scale page value used when creating new measurements.
- getDefaultScalePrecision() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Returns the default scale precision used when creating new measurements
- getDefaultSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CaretTool
- getDefaultSquigglyColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default squiggly underline color.
- getDefaultSquigglyTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default squiggly underline transparency.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Returns the value of the transparency factor used when a new highlight annotation is created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Returns the default transparency value used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CaretTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FileAttachmentTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PencilTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RubberStampTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.StickyNoteTool
Gets the default transparency value that is used when new annotations are created.
- getDefaultUnderlineColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default underline color.
- getDefaultUnderlineTransparency() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Returns the default underline transparency.
- getDefaultUnitsStringType() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Returns the default units string display type.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.CheckBoxField
Returns the default value for the check box field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the default value for this field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.RadioButtonGroupField
Returns the default value for this radio button group field.
- getDefaultValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.TextField
Returns the default value for this text field.
- getDefaultVerticalAlign() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Returns the default vertical alignment property used when a new free text annotation is created.
- getDefaultVerticalAlign() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Returns the default vertical alignment property used when a new free text annotation is created.
- getDeflatedContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the file contents in deflated format
- getDeflatedContents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IEmbeddedFile
Get the content of the embedded file, deflated.
- getDeleteCommentsMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The DeleteCommentsMenuItem.
- getDeleteDivider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The JSeparator that follows the DeleteMenuItem
- getDeleteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The DeleteMenuItem.
- getDeleteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Returns the Delete menu item.
- getDeleteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Delete menu item.
- getDeleteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The Delete menu item.
- getDeletePageMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The DeletePageMenuItem.
- getDescription() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.undo.UndoAction
Returns a description of the UndoAction
- getDetailsMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenu
The Details menu item.
- getDeviceConfiguration() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the device configuration associated with this Graphics2D.
- getDirection() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Direction viewer preference in the document.
- getDisplayDocTitle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Display Doc Title viewer preference in the document.
- getDisplayHeight() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Gets the page's display height.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
This name is not used to generate the appearance stream.
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TimestampServer
Return the display name.
- getDisplayOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the list of display options (or items) for this field.
- getDisplayValue(String) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the display value (or item) corresponding to a given export value.
- getDisplayWidth() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Gets the page's display width.
- getDisplayX() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the page's left margin.
- getDisplayY() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the page's top margin.
- getDitherBW() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Gets the dithering option when converting images to black and white.
- getDocMDPPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the Document Modification Detection and Prevention permissions.
- getDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentEvent
- getDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the PDFDocument object that this page belongs to.
- getDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns the document that this page belongs to.
- getDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the PDF document currently displayed.
- getDocumentInfo(String, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document in a file.
- getDocumentInfo(InputStream, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document from an InputStream.
- getDocumentInfo(URL, IPassword) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Static method to get the document information from a document from a URL.
- getDocumentInfo() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns a DocumentInfo object containing the PDF standard document info
if present.
- getDocumentInfo() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns an object representing the document metadata information (author, title, etc.).
- getDocumentViewPrefs() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns a DocumentViewPrefs object containing information about the
way the document is to be presented on the screen or in print.
- getDPI() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Return the DPI setting for this TIFFOptions.
- getDuplex() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Duplex viewer preference in the document.
- getEditingComponent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getEditMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
This menu item is no longer used or supported with the change to our Link Tool to be a link-editing mode.
- getEditToolbar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the standard toolbar.
- getEmbeddedFiles() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns a list of embedded files, if any, in the document.
- getEmbeddedFiles() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the list of embedded files in the document (annotations attachments are not part of the list).
- getEnclosingShape() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns a shape that encloses the text on the page.
- getEncryptionAlgorithm() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the document.
- getEncryptionLength() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns an int representing the number of bits used in the encryption technique.
- getErrorHandling() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.errors.PDFErrorHandling
Returns the current value of the error handling flag.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.errors.RenderError
- getErrors() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.errors.PDFErrorHandling
Gets a list of errors in the last rendering.
- getEventType() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentEvent
- getException() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
Returns any exception when reading the signature.
- getExceptionMessage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
Returns a message associated with an exception when reading the signature.
- getExportOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the list of export options for this field.
- getExportValue(String) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the export value corresponding to a given display value (or item).
- getExtractTextGraphicsForAccessibilityRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts extracting text graphics for accessibility:
- getExtractTextGraphicsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts extracting text graphics:
- getField() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getField(String) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.AcroForm
Gets a field by name.
- getFieldList() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.AcroForm
Gets the list of fields in this AcroForm.
- getFieldName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Returns the name of this field.
- getFieldNames() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.HideShowAction
Returns the field names that this action refers to.
- getFields() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.HideShowAction
Returns fields associated with this action.
- getFields() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.ResetForm
Returns the fields array.
- getFields() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
Returns the fields that are associated with this submit action.
- getFieldTypeDesc() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Returns a description of the field type.
- getFile() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.FilePDFSource
Returns the file that this PDF source represents.
- getFile() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.MBBPDFSource
Returns the file that this PDF source represents.
- getFileModifiedID() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Return the PDF document's modified ID.
- getFileModifiedID() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the file modified ID.
- getFileName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the name of the file.
- getFileName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IEmbeddedFile
Returns the embedded file name.
- getFileName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Gets the target document file name in the PDF file specification format.
- getFileName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.LaunchAction
Returns the name of the file to launch in the PDF file specification format.
- getFileOriginalID() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Return the PDF document's original ID.
- getFileOriginalID() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the file original ID.
- getFileSize() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the length of the file, in bytes.
- getFillFormFieldsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts filling form fields:
- getFitWindow() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Fit Window viewer preference in the document.
- getFlags() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns this annotation's flags.
- getFlags() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.ResetForm
Returns the flags.
- getFlags() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
Returns the flags representing the details of the action.
- getFlattenCommentsMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The FlattenCommentsMenuItem.
- getFlattenDivider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the FlattenMenuItem
This Separator is only visible if the FlattenMenuItem or DeleteMenuItem or CopyMenuItem or CutMenuItem are visible
- getFlattenMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Flatten menu item.
- getFlattenSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The FlattenSeparator.
- getFocusActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed when focus is gained.
- getFont() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getFont() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the font to use when converting text to PDF.
- getFont() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Gets the current font.
- getFontMetrics(Font) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Gets the font metrics for the specified font.
- getFontRenderContext() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Get the rendering context of the Font within this Graphics2D context.
- getFormat() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Sound
Return this annotation's audio format.
- getFormatActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be executed before a field is formatted
- getFullFieldName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Returns the full name of the fields.
- getGesture(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.GestureList
Returns the Vertices object that containts the vertices for one gesture.
- getGestureCount() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.GestureList
Returns the number of gestures in this list.
- getGestures() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Ink
Returns the list of gestures that represent the Ink annotation.
- getGridSettings() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the current gride settings.
- getGroupDivider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the GroupMenuItem
This Separator is only visible if the GroupMenuItem is visible
- getGroupMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Group menu item.
- getHandToolMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenu
The Hand Tool menu item for the page view context menu.
- getHandToolMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
The Hand Tool menu item for the page view context menu.
- getHideMenubar() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Hide Menubar viewer preference in the document.
- getHideToolbar() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Hide Toolbar viewer preference in the document.
- getHideWindowUI() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Hide Window UI viewer preference in the document.
- getHighlightMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getHighlightMode() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getHorizontalSpacing() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the number of inches or centimeters between vertical grid lines.
- getHorzTextAlign() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Widget
- getHorzTextAlign() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.TextField
Returns the horizontal text alignment property for this field.
- getIconName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the name of the icon for this annotation.
- getIconName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.RubberStamp
If this stamp was created using a default predefined stamp, returns the stamp's predefined name.
- getIconName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Text
Returns the name of the icon for this annotation.
- getID() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
This unique identifier is not used to generate the appearance stream.
- getIDocument() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the document that this page belongs to.
- getImage() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.RubberStamp
If this stamp was created from an image, then it returns the image that it was created from.
- getImage(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns a buffered image showing the contents of this page.
- getImage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the buffered image to use when creating the signature appearance.
- getImage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns a BufferedImage containing a rendering
of the page at the default PDF resolution: 72 DPI.
- getImage(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns a BufferedImage containing a rendering
of the page at the given resolution in DPI.
- getImageCS(int, ColorSpace) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns a BufferedImage, created in the given color space, containing a rendering of the page at the given resolution in DPI.
- getImageGray(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns a BufferedImage containing a rendering
of the page at the given resolution in DPI.
- getImageParams() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the current image encoding parameters.
- getImagePosition() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the horizontal position of the image.
- getImageSmoothReduction() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFRenderHints
Returns the value of the image reduction hint.
- getImageTransparency() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the image transparency value to use when drawing the image on the
- getInitialPage() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the value saved as the initial page to be viewed when the document is opened.
- getInitialViewSettings() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the InitialViewSettings
object that specifies what
page mode, page layout, and magnification values should be used when opening
a document.
- getInnerRect() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Callout
Returns the innerRect
- getInputStream() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the file contents as an input stream.
- getInputStream() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IEmbeddedFile
Returns an input stream from which the file contents can be read.
- getInsertMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getInsertPageMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The InsertPageMenuItem.
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Caret
Returns intent for this annotation.
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
Returns the description of the intent of the FreeText Annotation
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
Returns the description of the intent of the Line Annotation
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Polygon
Returns the description of the intent of the Line Annotation
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Polyline
Returns the description of the intent of the Line Annotation
- getIntent() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
returns intent for this annotation
- getInternalColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
Gets the fill color for this annotation.
- getIPage(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns an object that implements IPDFPage given the page number.
- getIPage(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Internal method, do not use.
- getJavascript() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.JSAction
Returns the JavaScript of this action as a string.
- getJbActualSize() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the actual size button
- getjbAddNewBookmark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the add bookmark button
- getjbArea() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the Area button.
- getjbArrow() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the arrow button.
- getjbAttachFile() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the toolbar button that initiates the tool to attach files in a PDF document.
- getJbBold() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the text style bold button.
- getJbBoth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the align both (width and height) button.
- getJbBottom() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the bottom align button.
- getjbCallOut() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
- getJbCenter() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the center align button.
- getjbCheckMark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the checkmark button in the panel's toolbar.
- getjbCircle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the circle button.
- getjbCloud() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the polygon button.
- getjbCollapseAll() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.BookmarkPanel
Returns a reference to the collapse all button
- getjbCollapseAll() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the Collapse All button
- getJbColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the color button.
- getjbContentEdit() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.AnnotToolbarEditor
Return a reference to the content editing tool button.
- getjbCreateSignField() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the toolbar button that initiates the tool to create signature fields.
- getjbDelete() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the delete annotation button in the panel's toolbar.
- getjbDeleteBookmark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the delete bookmark button
- getjbDistance() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the Distance button.
- getJbDistrHoriz() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the horizontal distribution button.
- getJbDistrVert() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the vertical distribution button.
- getjbExpandAll() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.BookmarkPanel
Returns a reference to the expand all button
- getjbExpandAll() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the Expand All button
- getjbExport() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.BookmarkPanel
Returns a reference to the Export button
- getjbExport() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the Export button
- getJbFillColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the fill color button.
- getJbFitToPage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the fit to page button
- getJbFitToWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the fit to width button
- getjbFreeText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the freetext button.
- getjbHand() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.SelectToolbar
Returns the hand button.
- getJbHeight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the align height button.
- getjbHighlight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jbHighlight
- getjbImage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the image button.
- getJbItalic() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the text style italic button.
- getJbLeft() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the left align button.
- getjbLine() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the line button.
- getJbLineWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the line width button.
- getjbLink() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the link button.
- getjbLoupe() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the loupe button.
- getjbMagLess() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the decrease magnification button.
- getjbMagMore() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the increase magnification button.
- getJbMagRect() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the magnify rectangle button
- getJbMiddle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the middle align button.
- getjbMoveDown() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the move down button
- getjbMoveLeft() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the move left button
- getjbMoveRight() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the move right button
- getjbMoveUp() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfEditor.panels.BookmarkPanelEditor
Returns a reference to the move up button
- getjbNextView() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Return the next view button.
- getjbNote() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the note button.
- getjbObjectSelect() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.SelectToolbarNotes
Returns the Object Select button.
- getjbOpen() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the open button.
- getjbOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.ThumbnailPanel
Returns a reference to the options button
- getjbPageDown() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the page down button.
- getjbPageFirst() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Return the first page button.
- getjbPageLast() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the last page button
- getjbPageUp() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the page up button.
- getjbPanAndZoom() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the navigation button.
- getjbPencil() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the pencil button.
- getjbPerimeter() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the Perimeter button.
- getjbPolygon() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the polygon button.
- getjbPolyline() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the polyline button.
- getjbPreviousView() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Return the previous view button.
- getjbPrint() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the Print button
- getjbPrint() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the print button.
- getjbRedaction() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.AnnotToolbarEditor
Return a reference to the redaction tool button.
- getjbReview() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the review button in the panel's toolbar.
- getJbRight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the right align button.
- getjbRotateCCW() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the rotate counter-clockwise button.
- getjbRotateCW() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the rotate clockwise button.
- getjbSave() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.EditToolbar
Returns the save button.
- getjbSearch() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the find button.
- getjbSearchNext() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the previous search result button.
- getjbSearchOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the Search Options button
- getjbSearchPrevious() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to next search result button.
- getjbSelect() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.SelectToolbar
Returns the select button.
- getJbSnapShot() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.SelectToolbar
Returns the snapshot button.
- getjbSound() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the sound button.
- getjbSquare() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the square button.
- getjbStamp() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the stamp button.
- getJbTextAlignment() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the horizontal text alignment button.
- getJbTextColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
- getJbTextColor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the text color button.
- getjbTextCrossout() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jbTextCrossout
- getjbTextHighlight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jbTextHighlight
- getjbTextInsert() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the caret button.
- getjbTextReplacement() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the toolbar button that initiates the tool to create a caret text markup annotation.
- getjbTextSquiggly() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the toolbar button that initiates the tool to create a squiggly text markup annotation.
- getjbTextUnderline() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes ToolbarButton
- getJbTop() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the top align button.
- getJbTransparency() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the transparency button.
- getjbTypeWriter() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Returns the typewriter button.
- getJbWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotAlignmentToolbar
Returns the align width button.
- getjcbHideComments() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the hide comments checkbox in the panel's toolbar.
- getjcbMagnify() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the magnification combo box.
- getJcbmToolSticky() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jcbmToolSticky
- getJcbTextFont() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
- getJcbTextFont() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the Text Font combobox.
- getJcbTextFontSize() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotPropertiesToolbar
- getJcbTextFontSize() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
Returns the Text Font Size combobox.
- getJCEProvider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the name of the JCE provider to use when accessing the Private Key.
- getjlMessage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PasswordDialog
- getjlTotalPages() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the total number of pages text field.
- getJmAddStamps() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmAddStamps
- getJmiAddStampApproved() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampApproved
- getJmiAddStampAsIs() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampAsIs
- getJmiAddStampCompleted() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampCompleted
- getJmiAddStampConfidential() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampConfidential
- getJmiAddStampDepartmental() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampDepartmental
- getJmiAddStampDraft() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampDraft
- getJmiAddStampExperimental() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampExperimental
- getJmiAddStampExpired() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampExpired
- getJmiAddStampFinal() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampFinal
- getJmiAddStampForComment() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampForComment
- getJmiAddStampForPublicRelease() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampForPublicRelease
- getJmiAddStampInformationOnly() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampInformationOnly
- getJmiAddStampNotApproved() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampNotApproved
- getJmiAddStampNotForPublicRelease() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampNotApproved
- getJmiAddStampPreliminaryResults() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampPreliminaryResults
- getJmiAddStampSold() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampNotApproved
- getJmiAddStampTopSecret() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampTopSecret
- getJmiAddStampVoid() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiAddStampVoid
- getJmiExportFDF() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the export comments as FDF menu item
- getJmiExportText() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Get a reference to the export comments as text menu item
- getJmiExportXFDF() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.CommentPanelNotes
Get a reference to the export comments as XFDF menu item
- getJmiExportXML() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Get a reference to the export comments as XML menu item
- getJmiToolProperties() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jmiToolProperties
- getJPEGQuality() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Gets the current setting for the JPEG quality.
- getJpmExport() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Get a reference to the export comments pop up menu
- getjpmOptionsMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.ThumbnailPanel
Returns a reference to the options popup menu.
- getJpmToolProperties() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
This method initializes jpmToolProperties
- getJSEnabler() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.JavaScriptSettings
Get the JavaScriptEnabler.
- getjtfPage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Returns the page number text field.
- getjtfSearchField() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to the search text fields.
- getKeystrokeActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed on a keystroke.
- getKeywords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's keywords.
- getKids() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Gets a list of fields from the kids array.
- getLargeIcon() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
Returns an Icon that will draw the status of the signature with the same rules as drawSmallIcon().
- getLayer(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns a particular PDF layer given its index.
- getLayer(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns a particular PDF layer given its index.
- getLayerCount() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the number of PDF layers in this document.
- getLayerCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the number of PDF layers in this document.
- getLayerList() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SetOCGState.Sequence
Returns the list of layers.
- getLayerPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the layer panel.
- getLeftOffset() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the distance from the left side of the page where vertical grid lines will begin.
- getLengthEstimate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TimestampServer
Returns a length estimate of the time stamp server signature.
- getLinearizationVersionNumber() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the linearization version number.
- getLineEndStyle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
- getLineStartStyle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
- getLinkMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getLinkSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
- getLocation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Gets the location to be used in the signature.
- getLocationHistory() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Gets the LocationHistory
for the current document.
- getMagnification() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the magnification value of the OpenAction key.
- getMagnification() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the magnification property used by the PDFViewerBean
when a document is loaded.
- getMapFieldName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Returns this field's mapping name.
- getMarginBottom() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the bottom margin value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getMarginLeft() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the left margin value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getMarginRight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the right margin value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getMarginTop() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the top margin value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getMarkupType() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
Use Annotation.getSubtype() instead. Possible values are
Highlight, Underline, StrikeOut, Squiggly.
- getMaxLength() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.WidgetText
- getMaxLength() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.TextField
Returns the maximum number of characters allowed for this text field.
- getMediaBox() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns this page's Media Box.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaHighlightTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.AreaTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.ArrowTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CalloutTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CaretTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CircleTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.CloudTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.DistanceTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.FreeTextTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LineTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.LinkTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PerimeterTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolygonTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PolylineTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RubberStampTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SoundTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.SquareTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TextMarkupTools
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getMinimumAnnotSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.TypewriterTool
Gets the minimum size for the annotations created with this Tool.
- getModDate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's modified date.
- getModifiedDate() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the date when the annotation was most recently modified.
- getModifyAnnotsRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts modifying annotations:
- getMouseDownActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of action to be executed on Mouse Down events as a Vector of Actions.
- getMouseEnteredActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of action to be executed on Mouse Entered events as a Vector of Actions.
- getMouseExitedActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of action to be executed on Mouse Exited events as a Vector of Actions.
- getMouseUpActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of action to be executed on Mouse Up events as a Vector of Actions.
- getMoveAndAlignSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the Alignment and Move menus.
- getMoveMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Move menu.
- getMoveToBackMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Move To Back menu item.
- getMoveToFrontMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Move To Front menu item.
- getMutableDocument() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
This method returns a mutable PDF document, that is, a document that can be modified
by the calling applications.
- getName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's name.
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.Layer
Returns the name of this layer.
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.ByteArrayPDFSource
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.EmptyPDFSource
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.FilePDFSource
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.InputStreamPDFSource
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.MBBPDFSource
- getName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.source.PDFSource
Returns the name of the document.
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLOnDemandPDFSource
Gets the name of this PDF source.
- getName() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLPDFSource
- getNameList() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.NamedAction
Returns a list of the recognized action names.
- getNextRedoAction() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.undo.UndoManager
Returns the next redo UndoAction
- getNextUndoAction() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.undo.UndoManager
Returns the next undo UndoAction
- getNonFullScreenPageMode() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the NonFullscreen Page Mode viewer preference in the document.
- getNoteDivider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the ShowNoteMenuItem
This Separator is only visible if the ShowNoteMenuItem is visible
- getNumCopies() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the NumCopies viewer preference in the document.
- getObject() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentEvent
- getOCGAction() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SetOCGState.Sequence
Returns the action that this sequence will do on the layers.
- getOnValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.WidgetButton
- getOnValues() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.RadioButtonGroupField
Returns a Vector of values containing the on state for each of the radio buttons in this radio button group field.
- getOpacity() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns the annotation's opacity.
- getOpenAttachmentMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Open attachment menu item.
- getOpenLinkMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
- getOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.RadioButtonGroupField
Returns a Vector of values representing the export value of each annotation in this radio button group field.
- getOverlayOptions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean
Get the current overlay options.
- getOverlayText() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns a string specifying the overlay text that should be drawn over
the redacted region after the content has been removed.
- getOverlayTextAlignment() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the alignment used for the overlay text that should be drawn over
the redacted region after the content has been removed.
- getOverlayTextColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the color used for the overlay text that should be drawn over
the redacted region after the content has been removed.
- getOverlayTextFont() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the font used for the overlay text that should be drawn over
the redacted region after the content has been removed.
- getOverlayTextSize() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.RedactionTool
Returns the size used for the overlay text that should be drawn over
the redacted region after the content has been removed.
- getPage() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationComponent
Returns the page in which this annotation component is located.
- getPage(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns a page in this document.
- getPage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the PDFPage object that created this graphics object.
- getPage() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the page for this GotoPageAction.
- getPage() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageThumbnail
Returns the PDF page that this thumbnail represents.
- getPageable(PrinterJob) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns an object that implements Pageable for this PDF document.
- getPageable(PrinterJob) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns an object that implements Pageable for this PDF document.
- getPageBreakChar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the page break character to use when converting text to PDF.
- getPageByLocation(int, int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the index of a page given an x, y location on the document.
- getPageCloseActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed when the page is closed.
- getPageContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageViewPanel
The PopupMenu displayed when text selection tool is not active.
- getPageContextMenuNotes() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.PageViewPanelNotes
The PopupMenu displayed when text selection tool is not active.
- getPageCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Gets the number of pages in the document.
- getPageCount() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the number of pages in this document.
- getPageCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the number of pages in this document.
- getPageCount() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the number of pages in the current document.
- getPageHeight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the page height value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getPageIndex() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationComponent
Returns the index of the page in which this annotation component is
- getPageIndex() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentEvent
- getPageIndex() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
This method returns the index of this page in its parent document.
- getPageIndex() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Gets the page index of this page within the document.
- getPageLabel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns the page label for this page.
- getPageLayout() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the value of the page layout key for this document.
- getPageLayout() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the pageLayout property used by the PDFViewerBean
when a document is loaded.
- getPageMode() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the value of the page mode viewer preference in the document.
- getPageMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.InitialViewSettings
Returns the pageMode property used by the PDFViewerBean
a document is loaded.
- getPageMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the page viewing mode for viewer.
- getPageNumber() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
- getPageNumber() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Gets the target page number.
- getPageNumber() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the currently displayed page.
- getPageOpenActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed when the page is opened.
- getPageRotation() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the rotation of this page in degrees.
- getPageRotation(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.MutableDocument
Gets the page rotation value, in degrees.
- getPageView(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the page view component for the given page number.
- getPageViewPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the page view panel.
- getPageViewPanelEditor() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the page view panel.
- getPageViewPanelNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the page view panel.
- getPageWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextToPDFSettings
Gets the page width value to use when converting text to PDF, units are in points at 72 DPI.
- getPaint() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the current Paint of the Graphics2D context.
- getPaperHeight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns the paper's height of this page in 72 DPI.
- getPaperWidth() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns the paper's width of this page in 72 DPI.
- getParentBookmark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the parent node / Bookmark.
- getPasswordHandler() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the currently registered password handler.
- getPasswordPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the permission object for this document.
- getPasswords() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IPassword
Method called to get passwords for encrypted PDF documents.
- getPasswords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PasswordDialog
- getPasswords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFPassword
Method that fulfills the IPassword interface.
- getPasswords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Standard implementation of the password handler.
- getPasteAfterMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The PasteAfterMenuItem.
- getPasteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The PasteMenuItem.
- getPasteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
The Paste menu item.
- getPasteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
The Paste menu item.
- getPastePageMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The PastePageMenuItem.
- getPasteSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
Returns the separator that is used after the Pencil tool.
- getPasteSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
Returns the separator that is used after the Pencil tool.
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.ByteArrayPDFSource
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.EmptyPDFSource
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.FilePDFSource
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.InputStreamPDFSource
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.MBBPDFSource
- getPath() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.source.PDFSource
Returns the full path to the document.
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLOnDemandPDFSource
Returns the URL path to the PDF document.
- getPath() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLPDFSource
Returns the URL path to the PDF document.
- getPDFFileVersion() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Return the PDF file version for the current document.
- getPDFPermissions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the AllPDFPermissions object for this document.
- getPDFPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the AllPDFPermissions object which encompasses this document's PasswordPermissions, DocMDPPermissions, and UsageRightsPermissions.
- getPDFSource() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns an object representing the source of the PDF content.
- getPencilMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
The Add Pencil menu item for the page view context menu.
- getPencilMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
The Add Pencil menu item for the page view context menu.
- getPencilSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
Returns the separator that is used after the Pencil tool.
- getPencilSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getPermFlag() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFPermissions
- getPermFlag() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.PasswordPermissions
Returns the permissions int representing the 12 permissions bits as specified in the PDF documentation.
- getPermissions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the level of permissions for a certifying signature.
- getPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
- getPickTrayByPDFSize() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Pick Tray by PDF Size viewer preference in the document.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
Returns the actual JPopupMenu.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Retrieves the actual JPopupMenu that will be shown when a user right-clicks.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
Returns the actual JPopupMenu.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
Retrieves the actual JPopupMenu with the text markup menu items either visible or not
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
Returns the actual JPopupMenu.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
Returns the actual JPopupMenu.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenu
Retrieves the actual JPopupMenu with the copyMenuItem either visible or not
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenu
Returns the actual JPopupMenu.
- getPopupMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
- getPopupText() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FileAttachment
Returns the text that is displayed when the mouse hovers over the annotation.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageThumbnail
Returns the preferred size for this thumbnail.
- getPrintHighResRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts printing the document at high resolution:
- getPrintRestrictions(boolean) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns a new Restrictions object that contains information about which type of Permission restricts printing the document:
- getPrintScaling() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentViewPrefs
Returns the Print Scaling viewer preference in the document.
- getPrintSettings() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Get the current PrintSettings object.
- getPrintSettings() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Get the current PrintSettings object.
- getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the private key retrieved from the KeyStore or PKCS #12 file.
- getProducer() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's producer.
- getPropertiesMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The PropertiesMenuItem.
- getPropertiesMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Return the Properties menu item.
- getPropertiesMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Properties menu item.
- getPropertiesSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the PropertiesMenuItem.
- getPWD() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TimestampServer
Return the password that will be used to log into the time stamp server.
- getQuadList() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Redaction
Returns a list of the quadrilaterals that compose this annotation if any.
- getQuadList() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
Returns a list of the quadrilaterals that compose this annotation.
- getQuadrilateral() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns a quadrilateral with the four corners for this text string.
- getQuadrilaterals() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns a list of quadrilaterals that will enclose the text elements in this object.
- getQuadrilaterals() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.TextSelection
Returns a list of quadrilaterals for the text selection areas.
- getQuality() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.ImageParam
Gets the current quality settings.
- getReason() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Gets the reason for signing to be used in the signature.
- getRectangle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Gets the annotation's rectangle.
- getRedactMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Returns the Redact menu item.
- getRemoveMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Returns the Remove menu item.
- getRenameMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The RenameMenuItem.
- getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFRenderHints
Gets one rendering hint.
- getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the value of a single preference for the rendering algorithms.
- getRenderingHints() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFRenderHints
Gets a copy of the rendering hints.
- getRenderingHints() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Gets the preferences for the rendering algorithms.
- getReplaceTextMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getResetMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Reset menu item.
- getResourceManager() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the IResourceManager for this document.
- getReviewDivider() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The JSeparator that follows the ReviewMenu
This Separator is only visible if the ReviewMenu or the CheckMarkMenuItem are visible
- getReviewer() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationCheckmarkStatus
Returns the name of the reviewer.
- getReviewer() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationReviewStatus
Returns the name of the reviewer.
- getReviewHistory() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
- getReviewMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Review status menu.
- getRootBookmark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the bookmark tree for this document.
- getRootBookmark() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the 'root' bookmark.
- getRootPane() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns a reference to the PDFViewerBean root pane.
- getRotate180MenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The Rotate180MenuItem.
- getRotateCcw90MenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The Rotate90CcwMenuItem.
- getRotateCw90MenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The RotateCw90MenuItem.
- getRotatePageMenu() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.ThumbnailContextMenu
The RotatePageMenu.
- getRotation() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getRotation() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.RubberStamp
Gets the rotation.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Gets the rotation of the overlayed document.
- getRotation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the current rotation.
- getRowsPerStrip() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TIFFOptions
Returns the number of rows per strip that will be used when saving a TIFF file.
- getRulerSettings() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Gets the current ruler settings.
- getSaveAttachmentMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Save attachment menu item.
- getSaveImageAsMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.ContentEditContextMenu
Returns the "Save Image As..." menu item.
- getScale() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the scale, the value of the scale that the viewer will use after
setting the page.
- getScale2D() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the current scale used to display the PDF document in double precision.
- getScaleX() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Gets the x scale of the overlayed document.
- getScaleY() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Gets the y scale of the overlayed document.
- getScrollPane() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns a reference to the PDFViewerBean scroll pane.
- getSectorSize() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLOnDemandPDFSource
Returns the current sector size.
- getSelectedComponents() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.IAnnotationManager
Returns a list of annotation components that are selected.
- getSelectedText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Gets the current text selection (if any page has selected text) in the document.
- getSelectionColor() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationSettings
Returns the annotation selection color.
- getSelectionShape() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns the shape that will enclose the text on the display.
- getSelectionShape() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.TextSelection
Returns the entire shape that encloses all different word groups in this selection.
- getSelectionStroke() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationSettings
Returns the annotation selection stroke.
- getSelectToolbar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the selection toolbar.
- getSelectToolbar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the selection toolbar.
- getSelectToolbarNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
The PDFNotesBean select toolbar.
- getSequenceList() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SetOCGState
Returns the list of sequences in this action
- getServerURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TimestampServer
Return the time stamp server URL.
- getSetDestinationMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The SetDestinationMenuItem.
- getSetDestinationSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.contextmenus.BookmarkContextMenu
The SetDestinationSeparator.
- getShowNoteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The ShowNoteMenuItem.
- getSigFieldApplyCertifyingSignatureMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
Returns the JMenuItem object to apply certifying signatures to the document.
- getSigFieldApplySignatureMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The Apply signature menu item.
- getSigFieldClearSignatureMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The Clear signature menu item.
- getSigFieldEdit() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The Edit menu item.
- getSignatureAppearance() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the SignatureAppearance
to use when creating the
signature appearance stream.
- getSignatureContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.SignaturePanel
The context menu displayed when a signature component is right clicked in the content pane, or
a Signature node is clicked in the Signature Pane.
- getSignatureContextMenuNotes() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.SignaturePanelNotes
Returns the PopupMenu displayed for a Signature.
- getSignatureFields() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.AcroForm
Gets a list of signature fields, if any.
- getSignaturePanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the signature panel.
- getSignaturePanelNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the signature panel.
- getSignatureValidity() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
Returns the validity information for this signature.
- getSignDateTime() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
Returns the signature date and time as a java date object.
- getSignerCertificate() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the certificate for the digital id retrieved from the KeyStore or the PKCS#12 file.
- getSignLocation() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
Returns the signature location.
- getSignName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
Returns the signature name.
- getSignReason() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.SignatureField
Returns the signature reason.
- getSize() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.IEmbeddedFile
Get the size of the file content in bytes.
- getSmallIcon() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
- getSoundMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.AnnotationContextMenu
The Play sound menu item.
- getSplitPolicy() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Gets the viewer's split window policy.
- getSquigglyMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getState() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Text
Returns the string State for this annotation
- getStateModel() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Text
Returns the string StateModel for this annotation
- getStatus() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.AnnotationReviewStatus
Returns the review status, will be one of the defined review states.
- getStickyNoteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenuNotes
The Add Sticky Note menu item for the page view context menu.
- getStickyNoteMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
The Add Sticky Note menu item for the page view context menu.
- getStroke() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
Gets the stroke to use when drawing the annotation.
- getStroke() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.ShapeAnnotation
Gets the stroke to use when drawing the ink annotation.
- getStroke() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the current Stroke in the Graphics2D context.
- getSubDivisions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the number of subdivisions between major grid lines.
- getSubImage(Rectangle2D, int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns an image for part of the page.
- getSubject() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Gets the subject field for this annotation.
- getSubject() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the document's subject.
- getSubmitActionEmailHandler() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the email handler to be used when an email submit action has been activated.
- getSubmitURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
Returns the destination of the action.
- getSubmitURLString() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.SubmitFormAction
Return a string representing the attempted destination of the action.
- getSubstituteFont(String) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.PDFRenderHints
Returns a substitute font, if one has been registered, for the given font name.
- getSubtype() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Gets the annotation's subtype string.
- getTabbingOrder() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the tabbing order as defined in the page description, if present.
- getTesseractDataPath() - Static method in class com.qoppa.ocr.OCRBridge
Gets the path to the Tesseract language data
- getText(IPDFPage) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.TextMarkup
- getText() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the text content of the entire document, as a String
- getText(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the text content of this page as a String
- getText() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the text content of this page as a String
- getText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TextPosition
Returns the text string.
- getText() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.TextSelection
Returns a string containing all the selected text.
- getText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns the text in the pdf document as a String
- getText(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns text contained in the specified page of the pdf document
as a String.
- getTextAnnotPropertiesToolBar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the TextAnnotPropertiesToolbar
used to modify common
annotation properties.
- getTextColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.FreeText
- getTextColor() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the text color that should be used when showing this bookmark.
- getTextInArea(Rectangle2D) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Selects the text in an area of the page.
- getTextInArea(Rectangle2D) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Selects the text in an area of the page.
- getTextLeft() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the text to display on the left side of the signature appearance.
- getTextOrientation() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the orientation of the text.
- getTextRenderMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns the current text render mode.
- getTextRight() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureAppearance
Returns the text to display on the right side of the signature
- getTextSelection() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.IPDFPageView
Returns the current text selection in the page, if any.
- getTextSelectionContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageViewPanel
The PopupMenu displayed when text selection tool is active.
- getTextSelectionContextMenuNotes() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.PageViewPanelNotes
The PopupMenu displayed when text selection tool is active.
- getTextSelMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenu
The Text Select menu item for the page view context menu.
- getTextSelMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
The Text Select menu item for the page view context menu.
- getTextStyle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Returns the text style to use when displaying the bookmark.
- getTextWithCursors(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Returns the text contained between the start and end cursors, in "reading mode".
- getTextWithCursors(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFPage
Returns the text contained between the start and end cursors, in "reading mode".
- getThumbHeight() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageThumbnail
Returns the height of this thumbnail
- getThumbList() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.ThumbnailPanel
Returns the JList component that holds the thumbnail images.
- getThumbnailContextMenu() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfNotes.panels.ThumbnailPanelNotes
Returns the Thumbnail Panel PopupMenu.
- getThumbnailPanel() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns an interface to allow access to the thumbnail panel.
- getThumbnailPanelNotes() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns a reference to the thumbnail panel, the panel that displays the page thumbnails.
- getThumbWidth() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PageThumbnail
Returns the width of this thumbnail
- getTimerDelay() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.settings.PencilTool
Return the timer delay.
- getTimestampServer() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SigningInformation
Returns the Timestamp Server information
- getTitle() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.Bookmark
Gets this bookmarks title.
- getTitle() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Gets the document's title.
- getToolbar() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.CommentPanel
Returns a reference to this panel's toolbar.
- getToolbar() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdfViewer.panels.PDFPanel
Returns a this panel's toolbar.
- getToolbar() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the navigation toolbar.
- getToolbarButtonGroup() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns a reference to the button group used to toggle some of the tools in the toolbar.
- getTopOffset() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the distance from the top of the page where horizontal grid lines will begin.
- getTransform() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFGraphics
Returns a copy of the current Transform in the Graphics2D context.
- getTriggerActions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Annotation
Returns a list of mouse related actions associated with this annotation.
- getTriggerActions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Gets the TriggerActions associated with the field.
- getTrimBox() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFPage
Return this page's Trim Box.
- getTrustedCertificates() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureSettings
This method returns a hashtable of trusted certificates keyed by the unique identifier
of the X509Certificate that is returned from SignatureSettings.getUniqueIdentifier(X509Certificate)
- getTrustedCertSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.SignatureContextMenuNotes
The JSeparator that follows the AddTrustedCertificate.
- gettsSeparator() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.AnnotToolbarEditor
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is in front of the EditContent button.
- gettsSeparator1() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Get the JSeparator that is between the Polyline and FreeText buttons.
- gettsSeparator1() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is between the Print and FirstPage buttons.
- gettsSeparator1() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.SelectToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is in front of the Hand button.
- gettsSeparator2() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Get the JSeparator that is between the AttachFile and TextHighlight buttons.
- gettsSeparator2() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is between the LastPage and ActualSize buttons.
- gettsSeparator2() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.SelectToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is between the SelectText and Snapshot buttons.
- gettsSeparator3() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.AnnotToolbar
Get the JSeparator that is between the AreaHighlight and Distance buttons.
- gettsSeparator3() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.SelectToolbarNotes
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is in front of the Object Select button.
- gettsSeparator3() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is between the FitToPage and ZoomOut buttons.
- gettsSeparator4() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFToolbar
Get the ToolbarSeparator that is between the Loupe and RotateClockwise buttons.
- getUnderlineMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenuNotes
- getUndoManager() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the UndoManager
for this PDFNotesBean
- getUniqueIdentifier(X509Certificate) - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureSettings
Returns a unique identifier for a certificate.
- getUnits() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Returns the units that this grid is using when displaying.
- getUnits() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.RulerSettings
Returns the units that this ruler is using when displaying.
- getURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLOnDemandPDFSource
Returns the URL where the PDF came from.
- getURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.source.URLPDFSource
Returns the URL where the PDF came from.
- getURL() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.URLAction
Returns the URL that this action refers to.
- getUsageRightsPermissions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.permissions.AllPDFPermissions
Returns the Usage Rights permissions.
- getUser() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.TimestampServer
Return the user name to log into the time stamp server.
- getUserName() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Gets this field's user name.
- getValidateActions() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.TriggerActions
Get the list of actions to be performed when a field value is changed
- getValidationMessages() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
- getValidityText() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.SignatureValidity
Returns a textual description of the state of the signature.
- getValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.CheckBoxField
Returns the value for the check box field.
- getValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the current selected value.
- getValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.RadioButtonGroupField
Returns the value for this radio button group field.
- getValue() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.TextField
Returns the value of the text field.
- getValueFromComponent(WidgetComponent) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.WidgetHandler
Sets the value from the WidgetComponent
on the associated FormField
- getValueFromOptions() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.RadioButtonGroupField
Returns the value for this radio button group field from the options if they exist.
- getValues() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.ChoiceField
Returns the current list of selected export values.
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfEditor.PDFEditorBean
Returns version string for jPDFNotes.
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns version string for jPDFNotes.
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns version string for jPDFProcess.
- getVersion() - Static method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns version string for jPDFViewer.
- getVertex(int) - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Vertices
Gets the vertex at the given index.
- getVertexCount() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Vertices
Gets the number of vertices that are held in this object.
- getVerticalSpacing() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Get the number of inches or centimeters between horizontal grid lines.
- getVertices() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Polygon
Returns an object that manages the vertices in the polygon.
- getVertices() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Polyline
Returns an object that manages the vertices in the polygon.
- getWatermark() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.dom.IPDFDocument
Returns the watermark for the PDF document.
- getWatermark() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the watermark for the PDFViewerBean.
- getWidgetHandler() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.PDFNotesBean
Returns the WidgetHandler
to be used to set the value to a FormField
when its corresponding
is modified.
- getWidgetHandler() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Returns the WidgetHandler
to be used to set the value to a FormField
when its corresponding
is modified.
- getWidgets() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.form.FormField
Gets a list of any widgets associated with this field.
- getWidth() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Caret
- getWords() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns all words in the pdf document as a Vector
of Strings
- getWords(int) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfProcess.PDFDocument
Returns all words contained in the specified page of the pdf document
as a Vector of Strings.
- getX() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Get the x offset of the overlayed document.
- getX() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the x coordinate of the GotoPageAction.
- getX1() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
Returns the x coordinate of the origin of this line.
- getX2() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
Returns the x coordinate of the endpoint of this line.
- getXMPMetadata(String) - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the XMP metadata in the document.
- getXMPMetadata() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.DocumentInfo
Returns the raw XMP metadata in the document as an array of bytes.
- getY() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdf.compare.CompareOverlayOptions
Get the y offset of the overlayed document.
- getY() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the y coordinate of the GotoPageAction.
- getY1() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
Returns the y coordinate of the origin of this line.
- getY2() - Method in interface com.qoppa.pdf.annotations.Line
Returns the y coordinate of the endpoint of this line.
- getZoomMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Returns the zoom mode.
- getZoomMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Returns the zoom mode.
- getZoomMode() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
Get the current zoom mode.
- getZoomToolMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.PageViewContextMenu
The Zoom Tool menu item for the page view context menu.
- getZoomToolMenuItem() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.contextmenus.TextSelectionContextMenu
The Zoom Tool menu item for the page view context menu.
- gotoNextView() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
PDFViewer maintains a history of page views.
- GotoPageAction - Class in com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions
A GotoPageAction can be used to position the display a page in a PDF
- GotoPageAction(IPDFPage) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Constructs a GotoPageAction with an IPDFPage
- GotoPageAction(IPDFPage, int, int, double) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Constructs a GotoPageAction with an IPDFPage
and with values
to set the x and y coordinates as well as the zoom scale.
- GotoPageAction(IPDFPage, int) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageAction
Constructs a GotoPageAction with an IPDFPage
and a zoom
- GotoPageRemoteAction - Class in com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions
Action that tells the viewer to go to a page in
a different PDF document.
- GotoPageRemoteAction(String, int) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Constructs the action with a target document and a page number.
- GotoPageRemoteAction(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.actions.GotoPageRemoteAction
Constructs an action to go to another PDF document, with an option for the zoom mode.
- gotoPreviousView() - Method in class com.qoppa.pdfViewer.PDFViewerBean
PDFViewer maintains a history of page views.
- GridSettings - Class in com.qoppa.pdfNotes
This class holds information about the grid including the color, number of subdivisions, offset
from the top and left, and spacing between major grid lines.
- GridSettings() - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Construct a GridSettings objects with all values set to default.
- GridSettings(int) - Constructor for class com.qoppa.pdfNotes.GridSettings
Construct a GridSettings objects and set the value of units to either RulerSettings.UNIT_INCHES or RulerSettings.UNIT_CENTIMETERS