DigitalIDModel Data Type

A digital ID used to sign a signature field in the PDF document.

name data type description
keystorePassword string The password to the keystore.
keyAlias string The alias to sign with.
keyPassword string The password corresponding to the alias.
signReason string The reason for the signing, such as ( I agree, I am the author, I approve, I have reviewed, I attest to the accuracy...).
signLocation string The CPU host name or physical location of the signing.
signContactInformation string Information provided by the signer to enable a recipient to contact the signer to verify the signature; for example, a phone number.
certifyingSignature boolean Set to true for a certifying/DocMDP signature. Defaults to false.
certifyingPermissions number This property is meaningful only if certifyingSignature is set to true. It is an integer representing the DocMDP Permissions. Valid values are: 1-No Changes, 2-Form fill & Signing, 3-Form fill & Signing & Comments. Defaults to 2.
format number The format of the digital signature. Valid values are : 0-PKCS7, 1-PAdES. Defaults to 0.


  "keystorePassword" : "...",
  "keyAlias" : "...",
  "signReason" : "...",
  "signLocation" : "...",
  "signContactInformation" : "...",
  "certifyingSignature" : true,
  "certifyingPermissions" : 12345,
  "format" : 12345