jPDF Notes supports signing documents with digital signatures. In order to sign documents, you must first have a digital ID.
Note: It's important to understand that a digital signature is not the same as an electronic signature. An electronic signature is a graphical representation of a signature on pen and paper such as an image or drawing. A digital signature (which may also have a graphical representation) contains a unique encrypted ID to verify its authenticity.
A Digital Signature is similar to actually signing a physical document in that it identifies the person signing the document. The difference between a digital and hand written signature is that a digital signature contains encrypted information that is unique to the signer so it cannot be forged. The signer’s certificate or issuing third-party Certificate Authority will need to be trusted by the user receiving the PDF in order for the signature to be considered valid. . Once signed, if the document is modified in any way the signature will no longer be considered valid.
A digital signature can be applied to an existing signature field or a new signature field can be created to apply a signature to a document
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