Quick Properties Toolbar

The quick properties toolbar allows you to edit the selected object's properties without having to access the object's properties dialog. The quick properties toolbar options will enable and disable based on the available options of the selected objects. More than one object's properties can be edited at the same time as well.

Using the Quick Properties Toolbar

  1. Using the Hand Tool or Object Selection Tool select the object (annotations, markups, or form fields) that you wish to edit
    • Note: More than one object can be selected at a time
  2. Use the buttons on the toolbar to quickly edit any of the available properties that you wish to change
    • Note: The quick properties toolbar options will enable and disable based on the available options of the selected objects.

Quick Properties Options

Properties - Appearance

 Fill Color: Allows you to select the fill color of the selected objects.

Border Color: Allows you to select the border color for the selected objects.

Line Width: Sets the border line width for the selected objects.

 Transparency: Sets the transparency for the selected objects.

Properties - Text

Font: Sets the font for the selected annotation.

Size: Sets the font size for the selected annotation.

Text Color: Sets the font color for the selected annotation.

Bold: Makes the selected annotation text Bold.

Italic: Makes the selected annotation text Italic.

 Underline: Makes the selected annotation or text underlined

 Strikethrough: Marks the selected annotation or text with a strikethrough

Horizontal Alignment: Sets the text alignment for the selected annotation.

Qoppa Software

jPDFEditor - Java PDF Editing and Redacting Component

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