Modifying Digital Signature Fields

Signature fields can be modified using any of the available options below. The options will vary depending on whether the digital signature field has been signed.

To access the digital signature field options Right Click (Ctrl + Click on Mac) on the field and then a mouse context menu will be displayed showing the available options. Any text that has been greyed out is a disabled option.

Unsigned Digital Signature Fields

The Following options are available for an unsigned digital signature field.

Apply Signature - Starts the Applying Digital Signatures dialog

Apply Certifying Signature - Starts the Applying Digital Signatures dialog except with the certifying signature option already selected

Move - Allows you to move or resize the unsigned field on the page. When finished click anywhere on the page or press Esc to finish editing.

Delete - Deletes the selected signature field

Details - Displays the details for the signature field.

Note: When unsigned this will just display a "Signature field has not been signed" message as there are no details to display.

Signed Digital Signature Fields

The following options are available for signed digital fields

Clear Signature - Removes the signature from the signature field

Details - Displays the details for the signature field to help in Validating a Digital Signature

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