Scheduler Node

The Scheduler Node is an input node that triggers a flow based on a specific date / time interval. This can be useful when needing to perform File Operations or other processes that don't need to constantly be checking the input source. Due to the nature of the node, it will not pass any content in the message body when starting the flow. 


General Settings


Frequency: Interval that the the flow will be started based on number of minutes, seconds, hours, etc... The server measures this interval from the time that the workflow is started.



Every __ days: starts the workflow at the specified number of days interval

Every Weekday: runs the workflow every day of the week starting at the specified time

Start Date: choose the day and time you wish for the flow to begin the daily intervals. The specified time will be the same for each instance the flow is triggered.



Every __ week(s): starts the workflow at the specified number of weeks interval

Days of the Week: select the specific days of the week to run

Start Date: choose the day and time you wish for the flow to begin the weekly intervals. The specified time will be the same for each instance the flow is triggered.



Every __ month(s): starts the workflow at the specified number of months interval

Day: Choose either a specific day of the month or specific weekly day to run the interval

Start Date: choose the day and time you wish for the flow to begin the monthly intervals. The specified time will be the same for each instance the flow is triggered.


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