HTTP Listener Node

The HTTP Listener node is an input source that creates an additional REST endpoint on the PAS server that can be called to perform the specified workflow. Once the flow is completed the HTTP Response Node is used create a response to send back to the source of the HTTP request. Responses can be customized so that different status codes can be returned based on the outcome of the processed flow.

This feature allows creation of basic REST APIs without the need for difficult coding or advanced server tools. With basic REST interface knowledge, users can implement powerful workflows for business integrations and document processing workflows.

General Settings


Protocol: Enables either HTTP or HTTPS (secured) protocol. When using HTTPS an SSL/TSL certificate is required in the Advanced settings section below.

Type: The required method type of the incoming request. Standard use cases are noted after the available method options. 

Host: Sets the IP address to receive REST calls from on the server. When set to a specific address calls can only be made to the server from that address. If is selected the server will serve REST resources on all available network interfaces.

Port: port to be used for HTTP access. The default setting is 8081.

Base pathURL path to use for all requests. Determines the full endpoint location from which clients can access this flow.

URL: Shows a sample of the full path (endpoint) that will be listened to by the flow



PKCS#12 File - enter the complete file path to the PKCS#12 file (.pfx or .p12) used by HTTPS calls made to the server.

Note: This directory is local to where the server is running not the PAS Manager and so the file path must follow the format set by the OS of the server.

Password - The password to access the key store file

Timeout in seconds: The timeout determines when a "408 timeout" response will be sent.  i.e. if the workflow hasn't completed within the allotted 30 seconds the client will receive a 408 timeout response.  (It's up to the client to determine how/when to retry the request)


Query Parameters

Query parameters received in the specified REST call will be stored in user variables and can be referenced in subsequent nodes.

Variable Name: The name of the query parameter to listen for from the REST call. Names much match exactly and are case sensitive. 

Type: PAS currently supports the following user defined data types for variables

Format: Sets the default format for the variable. The format can also be set dynamically at output time using Variable Formatting

Default Value: The default value for the newly created variable. Can be left empty if required.



Headers received in the specified REST call will be stored in user variables and can be referenced in subsequent nodes.

Variable Name: The name of the header parameter to listen for from the REST call. Names much match exactly and are NOT case sensitive.

Type: PAS currently supports the following user defined data types for variables

Format: Sets the default format for the variable. The format can also be set dynamically at output time using Variable Formatting

Default Value: The default value for the newly created variable. Can be left empty if required.



The following settings determine how the body (or payload) of the message received is handled. 

Set body as payload: By default the body of the received REST call will be set as the workflow message payload. This can then be further processed as needed by the workflow nodes. 

Multipart Form Data: This option enables processing REST calls that contains multiple data content items to be processed separately throughout the flow. 

Text Parts

Text parts received in the specified REST call will be stored in user variables and can be referenced in subsequent nodes.

Variable Name: The name of the text part parameter to listen for from the REST call. Names much match exactly and are case sensitive. 

Type: PAS currently supports the following user defined data types for variables

Format: Sets the default format for the variable. The format can also be set dynamically at output time using Variable Formatting

Default Value: The default value for the newly created variable. Can be left empty if required.

File Parts

These settings determine how file parts of the payload will be handled when received. 

Variable Name: The name of the file part parameter to listen for from the REST call. Names much match exactly and are case sensitive.

Set body as payload: When checked will use the specified file part as the workflow message payload.

Zip files as payload: When checked will take all specified file parts and create a single zip file that will then be set as the workflow message payload. 

Do not send payload: When checked all file part data will be ignored. 


Qoppa Software's PDF Automation Server for Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS

Automate PDF Document Workflows through RESTful Web Services & Folder Watching

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