Split Pages Node

The Split Pages node can split PDF documents in a variety of ways. The available split options are listed below:

General Settings

Equal size documents

Use this method to split the document into equal size documents of a given number of pages. Enter the page count in the text field.

Page range

Use this method to split the document into multiple documents based on page range. Enter the page range in the text field. Dash is used for a page range, comma to separate pages within the same document, semicolon to separate documents. So for instance, 1, 3-5; 7-10 will output two documents, the first document with pages 1, 3, 4, and 5, and the second document with pages 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Blank page

Use this method to split the document when a white page is encountered. The white page will be used as a separator between documents and will be discarded. There are two methods of detecting white pages:

Tolerance - This value increases the tolerance for artifacts on the page. Increase this value if the blank pages contain marks such as scan lines or fold lines to get better results.

Bookmarks at level

Use this method to split the document based on bookmarks at level 1. You can also choose to split up to a higher level, for instance up to level 3. In this case, the document will be split at bookmark level 1, level 2, and level 3. In this method, we assume that the bookmarks contain Go To Page actions within the PDF document itself and that the bookmarks have been created in ascending page order.

Before text

Use this method to split the document when specific text in the document is encountered. When the text is encountered in a page, this page will become the first page of the next document.

After text

Use this method to split the document when specific text in the document is encountered. When the text is encountered in a page, this page will become the last page of the document and the following page will become the first page of the next document.


Separate Files: send an individual message payload for each split of the document created

Single zip file: send all created document split files packaged in a in a single zip file to the message payload

File name pattern: Enter a filename for the files added to the zip archive. Each name will have the document page number appended to the name entered in this field. Variables may also be used to further distinguish each of the file separations.


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