The Sign PDF node is used to apply digital signatures to PDF documents.
Note: It's important to also understand that an "Electronic Signature" (Fast Sign) is not the same as a "Digital Signature". An electronic signature (Fast Sign) is a graphical representation of a signature on pen and paper such as an image or drawing. A digital signature (which may also have a graphical representation) contains a unique encrypted ID to verify its authenticity.
Signature File - The full path to the Digital ID file used in the signature on the server. Accepted formats are .p12 & .pfx.
Note: This directory is local to where the server is running not the PAS Manager and so the file path must follow the format set by the OS of the server.
Password - The password needed to open the Digital ID file
Load IDs - When clicked will display the Digital IDs stored within the file
Digital IDs - Displays a list of all the digital IDs stored within the signature file
ID Password - The password for the selected digital ID. You must enter the correct password in order to be able to digitally sign the document
Format: The format to be used when encrypting the signature
Signature - A digital signature contains encrypted information that is unique to the signer so it cannot be forged. The signer’s certificate or issuing third-party Certificate Authority will need to be trusted by the user receiving the PDF in order for the signature to be considered valid. Once signed, if the document is modified in any way the signature will no longer be considered valid.
Certifying Signature - A certified signature provides additional document security options to prevent the document from being modified. When choosing certifying signature, a combo box will show, allowing to specify which changes are permitted on the certified document.
Reason - Select a reason the document was signed from the list from the below options
Location - Enter additional location details
Contact Information - Enter additional contact information for the signature
Units: Units to use when calculating the position of the signature. This can be inches, centimeters, millimeters, or points. Points are calculated in the PDF standard, 72 points per inch.
X: the "X" location of the top left corner of the signature
Y: the "Y" location of the top left corner of the signature
Width: the width in pixels of the signature
Height: the height in pixels of the signature
Use Timestamp Server: Check this option to use a timestamp server during the signing process
URL - the URL of the timestamp server
TSA Requires Authentication - check this box if the server requires authentication
User name - the user name for authentication on the timestamp server
Password - the password for authentication on the timestamp server
Show Image - When checked an image can be added to the background of the digital stamp appearance
File - The full path to the image file used in the signature on the server. Accepted formats are jpg, png, gif, & tiff.
Note: This directory is local to where the server is running not the PAS Manager and so the file path must follow the format set by the OS of the server.
Align - Allows you to align the image on the left, center, or right of the signature
Transparency - Transparency setting for the image
Show - The options below, when checked, set which digital signature properties will be displayed on the signature
Orientation - Sets the digital signature text to be displayed with one of two options
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